Collective Purchasing of Daily Newspaper Subscriptions

The Association purchases subscriptions in bulk from Tamedia AG, the publisher of the leading Swiss newspapers and magazines, on behalf of LSE alumnae and alumni resident in Switzerland. Through this benefit, LSE alumnae and alumni can subscribe to the Tages-Anzeiger and the Tribune de Geneve at sharply reduced rates. The digital access offers vastly more content compared to the printed newspapers.

The Association handles the invoicing. All digital subscriptions run for 12 months. Collective purchases are made for groups of 4 (in relation to SLSEAA members) respectively 10 (in relation to non-member LSE alumnae and alumni). You will be notified once 4 respectively 10 subscription requests have been received, will then be billed and, once everybody in your subscription group has paid, the user accounts set up.

Membership of the Association is not required but desired.

If you are a Member of the Association, please log in now to receive the lower member-only price. Non-members proceed without logging in.


  SLSEAA Members:
Non-member LSE Alumnnae and Alumni:
Regular Rates:  
additional features ad-free
    ad-free ad-free
2 seats
Tages-Anzeiger 100
125 149 189 289
Tribune de Geneve 100 125 149 189 289


Your benefits & services (non-members): Collective Purchasing of Daily Newspaper Subscriptions

Copyright © 1998-2023 Swiss LSE Alumni Association. All rights reserved. Disclaimer and Impressum: The Swiss LSE Alumni Association acts only on its own behalf, is in no way authorized, maintained, sponsored, endorsed, or otherwise representative of the London School of Economics and Political Science or the University of London. It is an independent and autonomous national membership association incorporated under Swiss federal law. Its postal address is: The Swiss LSE Alumni Association, CH-3000 Berne. It is represented by its Officers as they are listed in the respective section of this Web site.