The Great British Sunday Roasts

Sunday, 28 April 2019 Geneva and Zurich 12:00 noon
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Enjoy the 12th installment of our Ethnic Dinner Series running since 1999. Interspersing our other events and activities, the Dinner Series is our culinary homage to the long and distinguished tradition of area studies at the School.

What better occasion for returning to our British roots than to mark Brexit, which is, not unexpectedly, turning out to be a great success. However, we are not roasting and devouring the Brexiteers but enjoying something else quintessentially British: a Sunday meal consisting of roasted beef or lamb, duck fat roasted potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, seasonal vegetables and homemade gravy.

The Sunday roast does not, as is widely believed, originate from the Beefeaters, i.e. the Yeomen Warders of Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress the Tower of London, and Members of the Sovereign's Body Guard of the Yeoman Guard Extraordinary, but from the practice of families enjoying a large meal following church services on Sunday. The practice has also been common on the Continent but the roast variant is uniquely British.


Booking Closed


Western Switzerland: Northern and Eastern Switzerland and the Ticino:
Jim's Restaurant
Rue de Geneve 60
01630 Saint-Genis-Pouilly
The Lion Pub
Oetenbachgasse 6
8001 Zurich
View Location Map View Location Map

Series History: 1999 Italy, 1999 Lebanon, 2000 Mexico, 2000 Japan, 2001 Morocco, 2002 Brazil, 2004 Iran, 2007 Ethiopia, 2015 Vietnam, 2017 Mongolia and 2018 West African


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