Networking Luncheon with Admiral Giuseppe De Giorgi

Thursday, 12 April 2018 Geneva 11:45 - 14:00
Business Networking SLSEAA Members and their guests: CHF 70; Non-member LSE alumnae and alumni: CHF 140

You and your guests are cordially invited to get an insider's look at the refugee crises from the Director of late Operation Mare Nostrum in the Mediterranean, Admiral Giuseppe De Giorgi, former Chief of the Italian Navy

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Networking Luncheon with Sir Jackie Stewart

Thursday, 1 March 2018 Geneva 11:30 - 14:00
Business Networking SLSEAA Members and their guests: CHF 75; Non-member LSE alumnae and alumni: CHF 150

You and your guests are cordially invited to listen to Sir Jackie Stewart, the legendary Formula One champion, talk about the "challenge of success" and the business of sports. Nicknamed the "Flying Scot", Sir Jackie competed from 1965 to 1973, winning 3 World and 27 Grand Prix Championships, and was instrumental in greatly improving the safety of motor racing.

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The West African Dinners

Wednesday, 31 January 2018 Geneva and Zurich 19:00
Social Networking PAYG

Enjoy the 11th installment of our Ethnic Dinner Series running since 1999. Interspersing our other events and activities, the Dinner Series is our culinary homage to the long and distinguished tradition of area studies at the School.

Special guests: Alumnae and alumni of some of the leading African universities

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14th True Purple

Monday, 4 December 2017 Basle, Berne, Geneva, Lugano, St. Gallen and Zurich 18:30
Social Networking PAYG

For the 14th time, the Swiss LSE Alumni Association is hosting "True Purple", the informal annual gathering of graduates, current and former students, members of staff, visitors and friends from all the Colleges of the University of London.

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Great British Breakfast with Ambassador Julian Braithwaite

Thursday, 23 November 2017 Geneva 7:45 - 9:00
Business Networking SLSEAA Members and their guests: CHF 55; Non-member LSE alumnae and alumni: CHF 80

Even with the Great British Exit you can still enjoy a Great British Breakfast.

You and your guests are cordially invited to listen to Ambassador Julian Braithwaite, the UK Permanent Representative to the UN and other International Organizations in Geneva, discuss some of the topical, multilateral issues of the day, including the UK departure from the European Union, and to savour the flavour of bacon and eggs, sausages, mushrooms, baked beans and tomatoes

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The Founders' Dinner

Friday, 10 November 2017 Zurich 19:30
Social Networking Special Member Pricing

The Officers of the Swiss LSE Alumni Association cordially invite you and your partner, on occasion of the 19th anniversary of the foundation of the Association and the 122nd anniversary of the foundation of the School, on Friday, 10 November, to our traditional Founders' Dinner. It will feature a debate on Brexit.

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The Commodities Trading Industry in Switzerland

Thursday, 14 September 2017 Geneva 11:45 - 19:15
Business Networking Special Member Pricing

You are cordially invited to this unique conference. The conference offers a platform for dialogue between the commodities trading industry and the Swiss political and business world, and place this in a global context. It features as panellists and discussants leaders from the commodities trading sector and other influencers in and commentators on this important sector. The conference is expected to attract attendees from the fields of politics including from the Swiss Parliament, international organisations, NGOs, think tanks, academia, consultancy, banking, audit & accounting, the business community and members of professions associated with the industry, and include contributors from London and Singapore.

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"Bon voyage, students! Welcome back, new graduates!"

Wednesday, 16 August 2017 Geneva and Zurich 18:00
Social Networking Students: Free; Alums: PAYG

New and returning LSE students, you are cordially invited, prior to going up to London, to link up with alumnae and alumni of the School for some insider information on life in London and thereafter. All students will enjoy complimentary drinks, courtesy of LSE alumnae and alumni. Students are welcome to bring their parents or siblings with them.

LSE alumnae and alumni, especially the graduating classes of recent years, come to connect with the older alums and to wish our new and returning students a "bon voyage" for their LSE journey, giving them some tips to make the best out of their time at the School.

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Annual Reunion and General Meeting 2017

Tuesday, 27 June 2017 Zurich 18:30 - 22:00
Governance Special Member Pricing

Our Annual Reunions and General Meetings always have been organized around a specific theme. This year's most intriguing Reunion theme is a continuous, measurable quantity of the physical universe in which events at a given place occur in a sequence proceeding from the past through the present to the future. "Time" is this omnipresent dimension on which we will reflect during an exclusive private guided tour of the Beyer Clock and Watch Museum. The museum is home to one of the most important horological collections in the world. The exhibition comprises some 300 pieces from all fields of chronology, which are examined in technical and scientific terms as well as from an art history point of view. It recounts the complete history of timekeeping from 1400 BC to the present day.

At our General Meeting at the famed Carlton, we will look back on our very successful 18th year of operation and will look forward to new projects pursued by and for the membership. Join us to have your say in the running of one of the most active independent and autonomous national associations of LSE alumnae and alumni worldwide.

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The London Dragons at the 2017 Races

Saturday/Sunday, 24/25 June 2017 Eglisau Entire days
Alumnae and Alumni Sports PAYG

Our boat is always recruiting paddlers of all abilities for various races throughout the year. We field mixed crews of female and male paddlers in recreational race categories and always have free spots. Camaraderie, fitness and fun are our aims. Never have paddled before in a dragon boat? No problem, you will be instructed. The London Dragons would be delighted to welcome you as our newest recruit.

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UK General Election Morning-After Breakfast

Friday, 9 June 2017 Geneva 6:30 - 9:30
Professional and Social Networking SLSEAA Members: CHF 60; Non-member LSE alumnae and alumni: CHF 90

Have you had to miss the Great British Breakfast in Geneva last week? You have another chance to treat yourself to one of the best dishes in the world, a proper full English breakfast, courtesy of the Prime Minister. You and your guests are cordially invited to the UK General Election Morning-After Breakfast

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Treasure Hunt with Diccon Bewes

Tuesday, 30 May 2017 Zurich 18:00 - 21:00
Social Networking SLSEAA Members: CHF 30; Non-member LSE alumnae and alumni: CHF 60

You and your friends, family and work colleagues are cordially invited to explore the historic centre of Zurich in a completely different and entertaining way – a treasure hunt along both sides of the river Limmat lead by Association member Diccon Bewes. Teams of 2 to 6 persons must solve clues and find answers on this unique tour of central Zurich. The hunt itself lasts about 90 minutes, with networking beforehand and an apéro afterwards. Make sure you wear comfortable shoes and bring a smart phone. All LSE alumnae and alumni are invited, not just expats.

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Great British Breakfast with Dr. Jack Caravelli

Monday, 15 May 2017 Geneva 7:45 - 9:15
Business Networking Special Member Pricing

You are cordially invited to a Great British Breakfast featuring guest speaker Dr. Jack Caravelli. Dr. Caravelli has had extensive experience in both the intelligence and policy-making sides of the US government. He joined the Central Intelligence Agency as a Soviet strategic forces analyst in 1982 and spent the next fourteen years with the Agency in various analytic, staff and managerial positions. In 1996, he was selected to serve on the White House National Security Council Staff as Director for Nonproliferation with responsibility to the President for the formation of U.S. nonproliferation policy on Russia and the Middle East. In 2000, he moved to the Department of Energy to serve as Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Department's nonproliferation threat reduction programs on Russia and other states of the former Soviet Union.

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The Russian Revolution, Switzerland and the LSE

Tuesday, 2 May 2017 Zurich 18:30 - 19:30 (22:00)
Learning Experience and Social Networking Guided Tour: Free to Member, CHF 12 for Non-Members; Dinner: PAYG

One hundred years ago, food shortages in Russia triggered riots on the streets of the capital Petrograd and kicked off the Russian Revolution, a chain of events that would change the course of world history.

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Luncheons for Alumnae

Wednesday, 12 April 2017 Geneva and Zurich 12:00 - 13:45
Social Networking PAYG

The future is female. Enjoy lunch without men and connect with fellow LSE alumnae (i.e. female graduates and former female students)

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Networking Luncheon with General Sir Richard Shirreff

Wednesday, 29 March 2017 Geneva 11:45 - 14:00
Business Networking Special Member Pricing

You are cordially invited to a Networking Luncheon featuring guest speaker General Sir Richard Shirreff KCB CBE, Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe 2011-2014. Richard Shirreff was commissioned into the 14th/20th King's Hussars in 1976 as a second lieutenant. Having seen active service during the Gulf War in 1991, he was appointed Commanding Officer of the King's Royal Hussars in 1994 and deployed his Regiment to Northern Ireland in 1995. Promoted to brigadier in 1998, he became Commander of 7th Armoured Brigade which was deployed to Kosovo. In 2003, he became Chief of Staff at Land Command and in 2005 General Officer Commanding 3rd Mechanised Division deployed in Iraq. In 2011, he became Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe and was promoted to full general. Sir Richard is an Advisory Board member of the not-for-profit security organisation Genderforce, aiming to fight and prevent acts of Sexual and Gender Based Violence in conflict and post-conflict situations.

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Networking Luncheon with Heinz Karrer

Tuesday, 7 March 2017 Zurich 11:45 - 14:00
Business Networking Special Member Pricing

You and your co-workers and other guests are cordially invited to a Networking Luncheon featuring guest speaker Heinz Karrer, the President of economiesuisse, the Swiss business federation. Heinz Karrer looks back on a varied professional career spanning multiple business sectors: He was CEO and later Delegate of the Board of Directors of Intersport, CEO of Ringier Switzerland, Member of the Group Management of Swisscom and CEO of Axpo Holding. His lunchtime talk and the discussion which will follow will address the following questions: Where does Switzerland stand within the international context? Why is Switzerland so successful? What kind of strategies are important for the Swiss economy?

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Special Visit to the Opening of Parliament

Monday, 27 February 2017 Berne 14:00 - 17:00 (21:00)
Governance PAYG 

Switzerland developed over the centuries from a collection of different alliances to a confederation of states and finally to the federal state we know today. Its national borders and neutrality were established and recognized internationally in 1815. Its political system dates back to the Federal Constitution of 1848. Since then the powers of the federal government, political rights and political diversity have increased significantly. We will attend the eventful first day of the Spring session of Parliament.

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The Mongolian Dinner

Wednesday, 18 January 2017 Zurich 19:00
Social Networking PAYG

Welcome to the 10th installment of our Ethnic Dinner Series running since 1999. Interspersing our other events and activities, the Dinner Series is our culinary homage to the long and distinguished tradition of area studies at the School.

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13th True Purple

Thursday, 1 December 2016 Basle, Geneva, Lugano, St. Gallen and Zurich 18:30
Social Networking PAYG

For the 13th time, the Swiss LSE Alumni Association is hosting "True Purple", the informal annual gathering of graduates, current and former students, members of staff, visitors and friends from all the Colleges of the University of London.

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Copyright © 1998-2023 Swiss LSE Alumni Association. All rights reserved. Disclaimer and Impressum: The Swiss LSE Alumni Association acts only on its own behalf, is in no way authorized, maintained, sponsored, endorsed, or otherwise representative of the London School of Economics and Political Science or the University of London. It is an independent and autonomous national membership association incorporated under Swiss federal law. Its postal address is: The Swiss LSE Alumni Association, CH-3000 Berne. It is represented by its Officers as they are listed in the respective section of this Web site.