News & Views August 2017

Foundation Board Members, Association Officers and Student Leaders


Foundation Board Members

Two seats on the Board of the LSE Alumnae and Alumni Foundation of Switzerland are reserved for our Association. Our representatives will be first seated during our 20 Year Jubilee in 2018. Members, who would enjoy serving on the Foundation Board, are invited to get in touch with the Secretary General of the Association. As an endowed national foundation, its purpose is to support LSE students and researchers from Switzerland with scholarships and research grants. To learn more, visit its Web site:


Association Officers

The Association is also seeking volunteers for a wide range of Officer positions. Officers are elected by the entire membership for 2-year terms. The next elections are in 2018, the year of our 20 Year Jubilee. Members, who would like to serve LSE alumnae and alumni as Officers of the Association, are invited to get in touch with the Secretary General.


Student Leaders

To gain Swiss citizenship takes decades. However, LSE students from all corners of the world can acquire the coveted "Swissness" by a far shorter route: by becoming members of the LSE Students' Union Swiss Society. On campus, the Society is noted for its (in)famous Fondue Feast in the Michaelmas term. Are you a new or returning LSE student and would like to help out at the Society stall during the Welcome Fair in September? Please e-mail the Secretary General of the Association, who will put you in touch with other interested students. The Association provides the Society with a small annual financial grant to help it restart each year.

Copyright © 1998-2023 Swiss LSE Alumni Association. All rights reserved. Disclaimer and Impressum: The Swiss LSE Alumni Association acts only on its own behalf, is in no way authorized, maintained, sponsored, endorsed, or otherwise representative of the London School of Economics and Political Science or the University of London. It is an independent and autonomous national membership association incorporated under Swiss federal law. Its postal address is: The Swiss LSE Alumni Association, CH-3000 Berne. It is represented by its Officers as they are listed in the respective section of this Web site.