News & Views April 2015

New member benefit, new auditors, the next generation Web site and the latest issue of the membership journal


New Member Benefit

We are excited to announce our 19th member benefit. The Association has joined the British-Swiss Chamber of Commerce ( as a special corporate member and, by special arrangement, all members of the Swiss LSE Alumni Association (SLSEAA) have access to any of the many Chamber events and activities.

This member benefit aims to supplement the personal networking at Association events with more business-oriented networking opportunities. The BSCC offers a rich and varied programme of business events featuring keynote speakers, seminars and workshops. Additionally, the Chamber will, from time to time, hold events in partnership with the Association, the first being an evening talk by Nick Beglinger on 27 May. Nick is the President of swisscleantech, one of Switzerland's most influential business strategist and lobbyist and a member of the SLSEAA.

Corporate membership in the BSCC is normally reserved for Swiss and British corporations, who are represented at Chamber events by their CEO, CFO, heads of departments and other key professionals. The unique feature of our special corporate membership is that all 550+ members of the Swiss LSE Alumni Association are eligible to attend Chamber events, not just the Officers.

The Chamber has added a SLSEAA member option to their event registration facility. An illustrated guide explains how to register at BSCC events as a member of the Swiss LSE Alumni Association:

Currently, the Secretary General of the Association negotiates member benefits and services. If you would enjoy taking over this task from him, please consider volunteering as our new Benefits and Services Officer. For more information on this new position, point your Web browser to URL:


New Auditors

The Association has commissioned Caminada Treuhand AG Zug ( as our new external auditors. A motion at the upcoming General Meeting will formalize their commission. Established in 1968, the firm became a member of the Treuhand-Kammer in 1986 and offers a full range of accounting, consulting and audit services to large, medium-sized and small companies. Caminada is certified by the Federal Audit Oversight Authority as an audit expert. They have been selected from a shortlist of audit firms by offering the best combination of cost, service and location. Our current Treasurer, Alex, resides in Zug.


Next Generation Web Site

Members have described our public Web site variously as efficient and fast respectively dated and unattractive. Its design and structure has indeed remained essentially unchanged since the Association was founded 17 years ago. It's time for a major refurbishment, and we are taking the 120th Anniversary of the School as the impetus to finally take on this task.

Preliminary work has already been completed on the next generation Web site of the Swiss LSE Alumni Association. On a rock-solid framework, employing the latest Web technologies, our new Web site will be cutting-edge and fast, offering a fully responsive layout that adapts perfectly to all device resolutions of mobiles, tablets and desktop computers.

The migration is a major operation. With over 1'000 pages and an equal volume of graphics, the migration will take several weeks to complete. If you would like to help out, or even become our new IT and Web Officer, please reply to this info mail.

For more information on the IT and Web Officer position, consult URL:


Membership Journal

The latest issue of our membership journal "Foreign Affairs" is all about the People's Republic of China. China's amazing rise has been one of the great events in human history. But now Beijing faces the classic problems of the middle stages of development. Can China's economy continue to grow quickly? Will corruption erode the regime's political legitimacy? How much longer can its authoritarian political system survive?

You don't have access to our membership journal yet? Activate your SLSEAA subscription through URL:

You only have to activate the subscription once. It will stay activated as long as you are a member of the Association in good standing.



Copyright © 1998-2023 Swiss LSE Alumni Association. All rights reserved. Disclaimer and Impressum: The Swiss LSE Alumni Association acts only on its own behalf, is in no way authorized, maintained, sponsored, endorsed, or otherwise representative of the London School of Economics and Political Science or the University of London. It is an independent and autonomous national membership association incorporated under Swiss federal law. Its postal address is: The Swiss LSE Alumni Association, CH-3000 Berne. It is represented by its Officers as they are listed in the respective section of this Web site.